Our Ministries

Kids Konnect Ministry (Grades K-5)
Our Kids Ministry for grades K-5 meets year-round every Sunday at 10:30AM for kids church and on Thursday nights in the Spring & Fall semesters from 6-7PM. We strive to have a positive influence on children through fun activities that include Bible study, discipleship, mission-based education, the arts (music, drama, singing, etc.), arts and crafts, and praise and worship. For additional information, contact our Children Ministry Director, Edythe Lyon at EdytheLyon61@gmail.com
ReFUGE Youth Ministry (Grades 6-12)
BreakAway!! This night will appeal to Middle Schoolers and those looking for a fun night mixed with some faith-learning opportunities. Meets Thursday nights from 6-7:15PM. For additional information, contact our Youth Ministry Director, Dan Chauncy at 813-712-0808 or at danielchauncy@yahoo.com.
Dig Deeper!! Aimed at students looking to be a part of a challenging group where students share struggles, ask hard questions, pray and study the Bible. Meets on Wednesdays from 6:46-8:33PM at Dan Chauncy's home. Bring your Bible and notebook! For additional information, contact our Youth Ministry Director, Dan Chauncy at 813-712-0808 or at danielchauncy@yahoo.com.
LifeGroups - Small Groups for Adults
We believe life is better when we do it together! We offer the following Adult LifeGroups. Join Now!!!!
Devoted Young Adult: Meets off campus on Sundays at the home of Craig & Janie Vance from 11:45-1:00PM. For more information, contact Janie Vance at 813-376-5923 or at janievancembi@hotmail.com.
Circle of Hope Ladies: Meets off campus on Tuesday at the home of Janie Vance from 10:00-11:30AM. For more information, contact Janie Vance at 813-376-5923 or at janievancembi@hotmail.com.
Amazing Grace Ministry: Meets on-site on Wednesdays from 7-8PM. For more information, contact Lynn Parker at 813-468-7620 or at lynn.parker1@yahoo.com.
Men's Bible Study: Meets on-site on Wednesdays in the Fall, Spring and Summer from 7-8PM. Led by Mark Crofford. For more information, contact Mark at 727-277-1733 or at markanwendyan4@yahoo.com.

2024-2025 Welcome Letter
2024-2025 RegistrationApplication
After School Arts Academy Program
At CrossPointe, one of our main goals is to positively impact our future generation. We provide an afterschool program with a focus on the arts in a safe and nurturing environment.
Important information on our 2024-2025 program:
Hours: Mondays, 1-6 PM; and Tuesdays-Fridays, 2-6 PM (open when Hillsborough County schools operate and closed during the Summer and Holiday breaks)
Registration/Supply Fee: $50 per family
ASAA is now implementing a pre-pay policy. An ACTIVE credit card or bank account information must be on file. Payments for tuition must be PRE-PAID by Thursday prior to the coming week(s)
Tuition: $68/week per child, $63/week per child if 2 or more children are enrolled
Pick up from Maniscalco Elementary
For additional information, contact the church office at 813-949-7727 or by email at crosspointefamilyoffice@gmail.com

Beloved Ladies Ministry
Meets on and off campus at various times throughout the year for fellowship and serving. For more information, contact our Ladies Ministry Director, Janie Vance at janievancembi@hotmail.com or at 813-376-5923.

PALS (50+) Ministry
Meets on and off campus at various times throughout the year. For more information, contact Kevin or Phyllis Heckaman at kevinheckaman@yahoo.com. Kevin may also be contacted at 574-707-5272 or Phyllis at 574-343-8135.

Amazing Grace Ministry
Provides love bags with food and personal hygiene items to locals in need on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month right after the service at Aldi's on Bruce B Downs & Fletcher. On-going donations of non-perishable foods, socks, clothing, bottled water, gallon and quart sized Ziploc bags are needed and may be dropped off in the foyer. To join this ministry or for more information, contact Sissy Shepherd at SissyShepherd7@gmail.com

CrossPointe Missions - At Home and Around the World!
The Church of the Nazarene has no greater mission than to reach those who do not yet know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and to help them to become Christ-like disciples. CrossPointe embraces this locally and around the globe through prayer, serving, discipleship, giving and education. For additional information on our Missions Ministry, contact our Missions President, Lynn Parker at Lynn.Parker1@yahoo.com or at 813-468-7620.

Prayer Partners Ministry
At CrossPointe, we are committed to prayer. When we work, we work, but when we pray, God works! We have two regularly scheduled prayer meetings each week:
Tuesdays at 6:15 PM in the fall and spring semesters in the sanctuary (every other Tuesday in the summer)
Sundays at 9:45 AM throughout the year before our Praise & Worship service in the room across from the kitchen
To submit a prayer request, email or call the church at 813-949-7727 or email our Prayer Captain, Mendie Hughes at MendieHughes@earthlink.net.